*List of The 20 Largest Stars in The Universe*⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐
20 UW Aquilae Rank Name Size (solar radii) Distance (ly) RA Dec
1 UY Scuti 1,708±192 9500 18h 28m -12.5°
2 V766 Centauri Aa 1,492±540 4,900 – 11,700 13h 47m -62.6°
3 KY Cygni 1,420±284(–2,850±570) 5000 20h 26m 38.4°
4 AH Scorpii 1,411±124 1060 17h 12m -32.4°
5 W Cephei 1,329.62 163081.67 22h 37m 58.4°
6 Westerlund 1 W237 1,241±70 8500 16h 47m -45.9°
7 BC Cygni 1,230.27–1,140±228 2718 20h 22m 37.6°
8 IRC -10414 ~1,200 6523 18h 23m -13.7°
9 PZ Cassiopeiae 1,190±238(–1,940±388) 18120.19 23h 45m 61.9°
10 V1489 Cygni (NML Cygni) 1,183 5250 20h 46m 40.1°
11 GCIRS 7 1,170±60–1,368 unknown 17h 45m -29.0°
12 Westerlund 1 W26 (Westerlund 1 BKS AS) 1,165±58–1,221±120 11500 16h 47m -45.8°
13 RW Cephei 1,157.92 2741 22h 24m 56.1°
14 RT Carinae 1,090±218 1431 10h 45m -59.5°
15 V396 Centauri 1,070±214 – 1,145.31 7389.29 13h 18m 61.7°
16 V602 Carinae 1,050±165 132 11h 14m -60.2°
17 IM Cassiopeiae 1,039.43 2886 1h 33m 62.4°
18 CK Carinae 1,013.42 – 1,060±212 526 10h 25m -60.3°
19 KW Sagittarii 994.794 – 1,009±142 6200 17h 53m -28.0°
20 UW Aquilae 946.285 150 18h 58m -0.5
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