Friday, 24 July 2020

Amazon BigMuscles Quiz Answers | Win ₹10,000 as Amazon Pay Balance

Amazon BigMuscles Quiz Answers | Win ₹10,000 as Amazon Pay Balance

Question 1.

Frotein is the latest launch from Big Muscles coming up this Prime Day. The name Frotein comes from joining which two words?

Answer: Fruit and protein

Question 2.

 Which is of these is true for Frotein?

Answer: all of these

Question 3.

The protein content in Frotein comes from what byproduct of cheese making?

Answer: whey

Question 4.

Which of these is the benefit of taking Frotein?

Answer: all of these

Question 5.

How much sugar is their in Frotein?

Answer: 0g

Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 24th July 2020:Win GoPro Hero 8

Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Win GoPro Hero 8

Question 1.

Which former RBI governor is the author of the recently published book 'Overdraft: Saving the Indian Saver'?

AnswerUrjit Patel


Question 2.

Gagandeep Kang is the first Indian woman scientist to be selected as a Fellow of which organisation?

AnswerRoyal Society of London

Question 3.

Zoonoses Day is held every year on July 6 to commemorate the scientific achievement of which scientist?

AnswerLouis Pasteur


Question 4.

'Reels' is a new video feature launched by which popular app?



Question 5.

ISRO is set to launch Amazonia- 1, an earth observation satellite developed by which country?


Thursday, 23 July 2020

Online Money Making Apps in India 2020

Best online money making apps 2020

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Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 23rd July 2020: Win Rs.15,000

Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Win Rs.15,000 Amazon Pay Balance

Question 1.

Which 'made in India' free video-conferencing application was recently launched by Reliance Jio?



Question 2.

Ofek-16 is a military surveillance satellite launched by which country?


Question 3.

The BMC and CPCB have joined hands to set up India's first clinic for what in Bhopal?



Question 4.

Which Indian PSU recently launched special winter-grade diesel for the Union Territory of Ladakh?

AnswerIndian Oil


Question 5.

Which operation did Indian Navy undertake as part of the national effort to repatriate Indian citizens from overseas?

AnswerSamudra Setu


Amazon Prime Day Quiz Answers: Participate And Win Rs 1,00,000 Rs

Amazon Prime Day Quiz Answers – July 23, 2020

Question 1.

When is Prime Day 2020 in India?
Answer:- 6th- 7th Aug

Question 2.

This Prime Day, Prime members get exclusive access to ____ products. Fill in the blanks
Answer:- Over 300

Question 3.

Only Prime members can avail Prime day offers.
Answer:- TRUE

Question 4.

Prime Day Special, World Premiere of Shakuntala Devi features which popular Bollywood actress?

Answer:- Vidya Balan

Question 5.

Prime members can tune into Prime Day special celebrity curated Music playlists from which of the following artists?
Answer:- All of the above

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Paytm ৰ পৰা মাত্ৰ পাঁচ মিনিটত লাভ কৰক 500₹ টকা

শিৰোনামাটো দেখি নিশ্চয় আচৰিত হৈছে৷এতিয়া দেশত যিহেতু কৰ’না ভাইৰাছৰ বাবে লকডাউন চলি আছে সেয়ে মানুহবোৰ ঘৰতে থাকিবলগীয়া হৈছে৷এই লকডাউন চলি থকাৰ মাজতে বহু কেইটা Apps য়ে বিভিন্ন গেম খেলি বিভিন্ন আকৰ্ষণীয় পুৰস্কাৰৰ লগতে টকা জয়ী হোৱাৰ সুযোগ প্ৰদান কৰিছে৷

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Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 22nd July 2020:Samsung Galaxy Note 10*

Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Samsung Galaxy Note 10*

Question 1.

In which Indian state is 'Rewa Solar Power Plant', one of the largest single-site solar power plants in India, located?

AnswerMadhya Pradesh


Question 2.

CBSE has partnered with which tech giant to deliver courses on digital safety and online well-being?


Question 3.

Dharma Chakra Day, celebrated by Buddhists all over the world, commemorates which of the following?

AnswerBuddha's first sermon


Question 4.

Which famous rapper recently claimed he is running for President of Unites States in 2020?

AnswerKanye West


Question 5.

Which Indian boxer has recently become World No. 1 in the 52kg weight category in the AIBA rankings?

AnswerAmit Panghal

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 21st July 2020:Win Bose Soundsports Headphones

Today's Amazon Quiz Answers:Win Bose Soundsports Headphones

Question 1.

Which country, recently in news due to elephant deaths, is home to almost a third of African elephants?



Question 2.

Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in Delhi is the host of India's first ________ , launched very recently.

AnswerPlasma Bank

Question 3.

For the first time ever which Grand Prix opened the F1 calendar with a closed door event?

AnswerAustrian Grand Prix


Question 4.

In Gujarat, Dhanvantri Rath services has been launched to provide what kind of services to the people?



Question 5.

Which 200-year-old apparel company, that outfitted 40 of the last 45 US presidents, recently filed for bankruptcy?

AnswerBrooks Brothers

Monday, 20 July 2020

Amazon Quiz Answers Today for 20th July 2020: Rs. 50,000 Amazon Pay Balance

Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Win Rs. 50,000 Amazon Pay Balance

Question 1.

The Singer Laren museum in Amsterdam announced the theft of the 1884 painting 'Spring Garden' by which famous artist?

AnswerVan Gogh

 Question 2.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh released a book titled 'Invincible' on which former Indian minister?

AnswerManohar Parrikar

Question 3.

Ignaz Semmelweis, a 19th-century obstetrician, is now widely credited with discovering the medical importance of which of the following?

AnswerHand Washing


Question 4.

Shaheed Diwas is observed on March 23rd to honour the day when Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar and ________ attained martyrdom.

AnswerBhagat Singh


Question 5.

Which of these upcoming movies starring Akshay Kumar, is a remake of the famous Tamil horror movie Kanchana?

AnswerLaxmmi Bomb

Sunday, 19 July 2020

MX PLAYER ৰ সহায়ত অতি সহজতে টকা (আয় ) উপাৰ্জন কৰক

প্ৰায় সকলোৰে মবাইলত উপলব্ধ থকা এটা অতি জনপ্ৰিয় Apps হ’ল Mx player
আমি বহুতে ভিডিঅ’ চাবৰ বাবেই Mx Player এপটো ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি আহিছো৷আজি মই আপোনালোকক Mx player ৰ সহায়ত কেনেকৈ অতি সহজে আয় উপাৰ্জন কৰিব পাৰিব তাক চমুকৈ কম৷
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Mx Player
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Mx Creator 

Mx Player ত Mx Creator হৈ টকা উপাৰ্জন কৰিব পাৰিব৷
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