Best online money making apps 2020
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Thursday, 23 July 2020
Online Money Making Apps in India 2020
Best online money making apps 2020
Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 23rd July 2020: Win Rs.15,000
Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Win Rs.15,000 Amazon Pay Balance
Question 1.
Which 'made in India' free video-conferencing application was recently launched by Reliance Jio?
Answer- JioMeet
Question 2.
Ofek-16 is a military surveillance satellite launched by which country?
Answer- Israel
Question 3.
The BMC and CPCB have joined hands to set up India's first clinic for what in Bhopal?
Answer- e-Waste
Question 4.
Which Indian PSU recently launched special winter-grade diesel for the Union Territory of Ladakh?
Answer- Indian Oil
Question 5.
Which operation did Indian Navy undertake as part of the national effort to repatriate Indian citizens from overseas?
Answer- Samudra Setu
Amazon Prime Day Quiz Answers: Participate And Win Rs 1,00,000 Rs
Amazon Prime Day Quiz Answers – July 23, 2020
Question 1.
When is Prime Day 2020 in India?
Answer:- 6th- 7th Aug
Question 2.
This Prime Day, Prime members get exclusive access to ____ products. Fill in the blanks
Answer:- Over 300
Question 3.
Only Prime members can avail Prime day offers.
Answer:- TRUE
Question 4.
Prime Day Special, World Premiere of Shakuntala Devi features which popular Bollywood actress?
Answer:- Vidya Balan
Question 5.
Prime members can tune into Prime Day special celebrity curated Music playlists from which of the following artists?
Answer:- All of the above
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Paytm ৰ পৰা মাত্ৰ পাঁচ মিনিটত লাভ কৰক 500₹ টকা
Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 22nd July 2020:Samsung Galaxy Note 10*
Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Samsung Galaxy Note 10*
Question 1.
In which Indian state is 'Rewa Solar Power Plant', one of the largest single-site solar power plants in India, located?
Answer- Madhya Pradesh
Question 2.
CBSE has partnered with which tech giant to deliver courses on digital safety and online well-being?
Answer- Facebook
Question 3.
Dharma Chakra Day, celebrated by Buddhists all over the world, commemorates which of the following?
Answer- Buddha's first sermon
Question 4.
Which famous rapper recently claimed he is running for President of Unites States in 2020?
Answer- Kanye West
Question 5.
Which Indian boxer has recently become World No. 1 in the 52kg weight category in the AIBA rankings?
Answer- Amit Panghal
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Amazon Quiz Answers Today For 21st July 2020:Win Bose Soundsports Headphones
Today's Amazon Quiz Answers:Win Bose Soundsports Headphones
Question 1.
Which country, recently in news due to elephant deaths, is home to almost a third of African elephants?
Answer- Botswana
Question 2.
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in Delhi is the host of India's first ________ , launched very recently.
Answer- Plasma Bank
Question 3.
For the first time ever which Grand Prix opened the F1 calendar with a closed door event?
Answer- Austrian Grand Prix
Question 4.
In Gujarat, Dhanvantri Rath services has been launched to provide what kind of services to the people?
Answer- Healthcare
Question 5.
Which 200-year-old apparel company, that outfitted 40 of the last 45 US presidents, recently filed for bankruptcy?
Answer- Brooks Brothers
Monday, 20 July 2020
Amazon Quiz Answers Today for 20th July 2020: Rs. 50,000 Amazon Pay Balance
Today's Amazon Quiz Answers- Win Rs. 50,000 Amazon Pay Balance
Question 1.
The Singer Laren museum in Amsterdam announced the theft of the 1884 painting 'Spring Garden' by which famous artist?
Answer- Van Gogh
Question 2.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh released a book titled 'Invincible' on which former Indian minister?
Answer- Manohar Parrikar
Question 3.
Ignaz Semmelweis, a 19th-century obstetrician, is now widely credited with discovering the medical importance of which of the following?
Answer- Hand Washing
Question 4.
Shaheed Diwas is observed on March 23rd to honour the day when Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar and ________ attained martyrdom.
Answer- Bhagat Singh
Question 5.
Which of these upcoming movies starring Akshay Kumar, is a remake of the famous Tamil horror movie Kanchana?
Answer- Laxmmi Bomb
Sunday, 19 July 2020
MX PLAYER ৰ সহায়ত অতি সহজতে টকা (আয় ) উপাৰ্জন কৰক
Saturday, 18 July 2020
MX Player ৰ পৰা Image,Video,Audio,Apps কেনেকৈ Share কৰিব
Friday, 17 July 2020
জণ্ডিছ ৰোগৰ বন ঔষধ
থুকৰাকে মেৰা প্যাৰ মেৰা ইন্টকাম দেখেগি😊
থুকৰাকে মেৰা প্যাৰ মেৰা ইন্টকাম দেখেগি😊 মাইক্ৰ ফাইনেঞ্চ বেংকৰ চাকৰিটো পোৱা বেছি দিন হোৱা৷সিদিনা খন গোটৰ কিস্তিৰ ধন আনিবলৈ গ’লো৷...
Blue (ব্লু ) নীলা Black ( ব্লেক ) ক’লা Brown ( ব্ৰাউন ) মুগা Golden ( গ’ল্ডেন ) সোণালী Gray ( গ্ৰে ) ছাইবৰণীয়া Green ( গ্ৰীণ ) সেউজীয়া Indig...
🌛🌝🌚💫⭐🌟ৰাতি ফুলা ফুলৰ নাম🌱🌿🎍🪴🎋🍃🌾🌸 ১/ তগৰ ২/ধতুৰা ৩/স্থল পদ্ম ৪/ভেটফুল ৫/ৰজনীগন্ধা ৬/কামিনী কাঞ্চন ৭/শেৱালি ৮/হাচনাহানা
Birds ( বাৰ্ডছ ) চৰাই Bat ( বেট ) বাদুলি Canary ( কেনৰি ) মইনা Chicken ( চিকেন ) কুকুৰা পোৱালি Cock ( কক ) মতা কুকুৰা Common myna ( কমন মাইন...
পুঠি - Pool Barb / Olive Barb গৰৈ- Spotted Snakehead কাৱৈ - Climbing Perch শিঙৰা - Stripped Dwarf Catfish চেঙেলী- Ce...
জীৱজন্তু সমূহৰ নাম Ape ( এপ) বনমানুহ Ass ( এছ) গাধ Bear ( বিয়েৰ ) ভালুক Blue Bull ( ব্লু বুল) নীল বৃষ Bull ( বুল) ষাঁড় গৰু Buffalo ( বাফেল’ ...
কৌতুক ১ এবাৰ এজন ছাত্ৰই স্কুলত শিক্ষকৰ পৰা পিতন খোৱাৰ পিছত ছুটী দিয়াৰ লগে লগে সেই শিক্ষকজনৰ ঘৰত উপস্থিত হ’ল৷ল’ৰাটোৱে মাতিলে ক্ষন...